Aims and Objectives

The aim of the Institute is the humble implementation of the ideals of Integral education as enunciated by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother in order to prepare the children for a higher and better life or to help them. become the men of a new race.

Total perfection is the ultimate aim What we set before us as our ideal is the Divine Life upon earth. In the real sense, ours is an attempt at evolving newer ways of learning and thinking and it is also an attempt towards going beyond the structural schooling into joyful freedom of inner growth, the growth that would flow from within to without.

“We are not here to repeat what others have done, but to prepare ourselves for the blossoming of a new consciousness and a new life.”

– The Mother

“The aim of education is not to prepare a man to succeed in life and society, but to increase his perfectibility to its utmost.”

– The Mother

“The new aim is to help the child to develop his intellectual, aesthetic, emotional, moral, spiritual being and his communal life and impulses out of his own temperament and capacities – a very different object from that of the old education which was simply to pack so much stereotyped knowledge into his resisting brain and impose a stereotyped rule of conduct on his struggling and dominated impulses.

– Sri Aurobindo